

  • Cockroaches have been around since the time of dinosaurs!
  • A cockroach can live almost a month without food.
  • A cockroach can live about two weeks without water.
  • Some female cockroaches only mate once and stay pregnant for life!
  • A cockroach can live for up to one week without its head!
  • Cockroaches can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes!
  • Cockroaches can run up to 3 miles an hour.

American Cockroach

The American cockroach is the largest cockroach found in houses. Females can hatch up to 150 offspring per year. Cockroaches don?t get their wings until the become adults.

Brown-Banded Cockroach

Brown banded cockroaches get their name from the two light bands they have across their dark brownish bodies. The male?s wings are larger than the female?s wings. Brown banded cockroaches often hide their eggs in or under furniture. They usually live 5-6 months.

German Cockroach

German cockroaches can be found all over the world. They are the most common cockroach in the United States. Each German cockroach can live about 100-200 days.

Oriental Cockroach

Oriental Cockroaches probably get their names from trade ships but they are actually from Africa. They are large and very dark compared to other cockroaches. They usually travel through sewer pipes and drains. They prefer dirty places and cooler temperatures than other cockroaches. An Oriental cockroach creates a strong smell and is considered one of the dirtiest of all the cockroaches.

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DIET: Cockroaches feed on all types of garbage and other organic material.
HABITAT: Cockroaches also live in sewers and wet, decaying areas, such as basements and crawlspaces, firewood and piles of leaves.
IMPACT: Cockroaches crawl through dirty areas and then walk around our homes tracking in lots of bacteria and germs. They can contaminate food by shedding their skins. Their cast off skin and waste by-products are allergens that can trigger allergic reactions, asthma and other illnesses, especially in children.
PREVENTION: Keep your home clean and dry. Vacuum often and seal cracks in and around your house. If you see cockroaches, it is best to call a pest management professional due to the illnesses they can spread.